Program Kit

My Mighty Hands©

A short term multi-sensory handwriting program

My Mighty Hands© Program Kit.

The Program Kit includes

           * User's Manual

           * 4 x  Lesson Plan Instructional Books (One for each level)

           * 4 x  Reproducible Workbooks (One for each level)


The user’s manual contains important information regarding evidence based methodologies used in this program. It not only provides detailed guidelines for both the group presenter and program coordinator to get familiarized with the content of the program, but also offers advice on planning and managing a handwriting program.

A discussion on available evidence related to handwriting, tips for teaching handwriting and  suggestions on specific supportive materials to use during the groups such as fidgets, weighted items and seating options, enhances the presenters’ effectiveness.

Most importantly, it offers ample support to the group presenters by offering ready to use informational parent handouts, as well as useful forms such as parent letters, screening forms and daily note checklists.


Each level comes with its own two sets of lesson plans. Each set has 9 lessons and works through the entire print or cursive alphabet. A client can do one set with 9 lessons or boths sets with a total of eighteen lessons per level. (Activities are designed not to repeat within the same level) .  Each lesson includes a variety of movement and tabletop activities to address all components of handwriting.  Each lesson plan consists of:

  • Activity goals
  • Materials needed for all activities for that lesson
  • List of specific worksheets to be used from the workbook
  • Detailed instructions for each activity
  • The sequence of activities to be followed
  • A time management cheat sheet  as a quick reference to use during the lesson (with a summary, materials needed and suggested timeframe for each activity)
  • A parent handout, explaining the rational behind the activities used in that lesson and with additional ideas for home activities to enhance the skills addressed in the lesson.
  • Homework sheets for practicing new learned skills


Each level has its own workbook. The workbooks contain letter formation sheets, handwriting worksheets, pattern form writing sheets, masters for several fine motor activities and homework sheets. All pages of the workbooks are reproducible. This feature keeps costs down as it eliminates the need to purchase workbooks for each client or student year after year.